About us

TASTAKEL is a non-profit women-led organization that was founded in 2015. It is officially registered in Geneva & Turkiye. TASTAKEL  was founded by a group of diverse Syrian women who began work towards building a democratic society on the basis of respect, justice &  the rule of law. The organization aims to foster the values of equality, interfaith and human rights. We are committed to all Syrians throughout the country.  


About us

We are a group of Syrian women who believe in the power of thought and dialogue to induce change. We look forward to Syria’s transition from dictatorship and tyranny to the values of freedom, justice, rule of law, as well as equality and solidarity.

We believe that education, peacebuilding and women’s empowerment fortify our societies and put them on the path to recovery and prosperity. We also believe that plurality and diversity, if harnessed in their proper context, become a source of strength. We are convinced that Syrians possess the resources and capabilities to explore new horizons and to build a nation where all citizens live in dignity and security and enjoy equal opportunities and create a different future.


We are dedicated to serving Syrian society with a focus on creating a culture that reflects its rich and diverse communities with attention to a holistic. sustainable. and eco-friendly recovery in Syria. We believe that education, equality and inclusion are essential for the recovery process, We aim to achieve this through interfaith dialogue, raising political awareness, and empowering Syrians with the skills of conflict resolution and peace building. We believe engaging women and youth as agents of change will positively contribute towards creating a truly diverse and vital democratic governance. Women and youth stand to be the main beneficiaries, which positions them to be the cornerstone of sustainable peace.


Number of Graduated Student
Traineers Graduation Projects numbers
Number of projects implemented
site visits

Our Approach

Transforming the conflict on the basis of dialogue, non-violence and empowering Syrian women.

Political participation

Peacebuilding Dialogue

social programming (Hayat Alkhayrat School for Children in Idleb Camp)

Press Center

Generations for Peace

Generations For Peace and Tastakel partner for first-ever programme in Syria “IDEAS” programme promotes Interfaith Dialogue for Empowering and Advancing Society Across various Syrian Religious and Ethnic identities 12 January 2022 – Amman/Jordan: Generations For ......

Syria News Agency

Part of the graduation ceremony for male and female students from the “Governance and Peacebuilding” diploma at the University of Aleppo in the liberated areas, in coordination between Tastakel and George Mason University in the United States.


"اجيال السلام" و "تستقل" شريكان لأول مرة على برنامج في سوريا
أعلنت هيئة أجيال السلام ومؤسسة تستقل للمرأة عن شراكتهما لتنفيذ برنامج "أفكار" لتعزيز مفهوم حوار الأديان من أجل تمكين المجتمع والنهوض به في مناطق متعددة في سوريا.

George Mason

Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding Hind Kabawat has directed CRDC’s Syria work since 2004 and has trained hundreds of Syrians in multi-faith collaboration and civil society development. Since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, she has piloted numerous training programs related to conflict resolution, women’s empowerment, and negotiation skills in Aleppo, Idlib, the Atmeh IDP camp, Istanbul, and Amman. She is also an instructor for CRDC’s graduate seminar, Approaches to Conflict Management and Resolution: Field Work with

Success Stories

Fadi Jurieh

Fadi Jurieh, Gaziantep Center, Batch 11: I received comprehensive training that covered a diverse range of topics and practical activities. One of the subjects included was Media Appearance. During this course, I learned the skills of media presentation, how to speak confidently and attractively in front of the camera and...

Sherine Ali

My name is Sherine Ali from Qamishli. I have a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from Mardin University in Turkey. I am a graduate and a former student of TASTAKEL, an advanced-level program. For me, TASTAKEL was not just a means to apply what I learned in...

Aisha Abd Almalek

Aisha Abd Almalek – Advance Class “Success is not a story to tell or write; success is rather our development and progress in building a healthy and sound nation. My involvement with TASTAKEL began in 2018 when I attended my first political diploma for women, and despite the need to...

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تدعوكم منظمة تستقل لحضور الجزء السابع من سلسلة الحوارات حول قضايا الحماية، ومناهضة العنف ضد المرأة والزواج المبكر مع الأخصائية غيثاء أسعد (مدربة متخصصة بالصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي)، وذلك يوم الجمعة 21 آذار من الساعة 09:00 إلى 10:30 مساءً بتوقيت دمشق.رابط الدخول إلى القاعة الإلكترونية عبر تطبيق الزوم:us06web.zoom.us/j/81643057580 See MoreSee Less
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نحتفل معاً بروح الأمل والتجدد عيدكم عيدنا ، سوريا أحلى معكم نوروز مبارك See MoreSee Less
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ما هو برأيكم مفتاح النجاح في التفاوض داخل العلاقات الاجتماعية المعقدة؟ هل هو الاستماع الفعال، أم القدرة على الإقناع، أم شيء آخر؟ شاركونا أفكاركم! #تدريبات_العدالة_الانتقالية #التواصل_السلمي#منظمة_تستقل See MoreSee Less
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تدعوكم منظمة تستقل لحضور الجزء السادس من سلسلة الحوارات حول قضايا الحماية، ومناهضة العنف ضد المرأة والزواج المبكر مع الأخصائية غيثاء أسعد (مدربة متخصصة بالصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي)، وذلك يوم الاثنين 17 آذار من الساعة 09:00 إلى 10:30 مساءً بتوقيت دمشق.رابط الدخول إلى القاعة الإلكترونية عبر تطبيق الزوم:us06web.zoom.us/j/81643057580 See MoreSee Less
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