Fadi Jurieh

Fadi Jurieh

Fadi Jurieh, Gaziantep Center, Batch 11:

I received comprehensive training that covered a diverse range of topics and practical activities. One of the subjects included was Media Appearance. During this course, I learned the skills of media presentation, how to speak confidently and attractively in front of the camera and the audience. I also understood the importance of analyzing the audience, understanding their needs and requirements, and effectively using body language. Moreover, the course provided opportunities for practical application and personal development. I practiced the acquired skills by speaking in front of small teams and diverse groups of people, which positively contributed to enhancing my abilities.

Thanks to this course, I was able to build strong self-confidence. This confidence significantly impacted my appearance in practical meetings that often take place through remote communication applications like Zoom. Now, I can speak clearly and make my message impactful. Undoubtedly, I will benefit from these skills in the future when producing short educational videos and sharing them on social media platforms.

Furthermore, I was greatly influenced by the Psychological Support course in the aftermath of the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria. I learned how to deal with the psychological and social effects of earthquakes, how to cope with fear, anxiety, and emotional disturbances that affect many people during and after such disasters. The course helped me develop coping skills and psychological resilience, and I also learned how to provide support and assistance to others facing such psychological challenges.

The other subjects are not any less important than what was mentioned above, and this knowledge and the skills I acquired will continue to play a significant role in achieving my success and positive impact on others.

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