Maram Salloum

Maram Salloum

Maram Salloum is an immigrant from the northern countryside of Hama and residing in Turkey, a graduate of the Technical Institute for Emergency Medical Services / University of Hama, a media student at Ankara University, and a law student at Anatolia University. When I came to Turkey, I was unable to work with my Syrian certificate, which prompted me to start over and complete my studies in the country of asylum.. I underwent several training courses in the fields of psychological and social support, body language, gender-based violence, digital security and TOT.
I learned from a group of friends about the trainings carried out by the independent organization and the positive impact of these trainings on their personal, practical and social lives.
I started attending the training sessions, committing and persevering with this information on my daily life. I graduated from two conflict resolution trainings and obtained a certificate of attendance from George Mason University. An independent organization also invited me to attend the media appearance training in the Turkish city of Gaziantep. Today, I am a woman who knows her rights well and demands them, She knows her duties well and works in them, a woman who has the skill to sit at the negotiating table, and the ability to monitor the progress of the electoral process, in addition to acquiring communication skills, critical and positive thinking, and valuable information on transitional justice and advocacy campaigns.
I worked on developing my skills in the field of advocacy, as I participated with a number of trainees and independent trainees by launching an advocacy campaign to stop the closure of humanitarian crossings in Syria #life_line. It was one of the most beautiful successful experiences in my life, and then I participated in launching my campaign #Shaw_Myself to support Syrian women survivors of detention, and # Mancinakm to remind the detainees in the prisons of the Syrian regime.
A family traveling in this family that I have always wanted to be a part of, opened the door for me to be chosen as a representative of the Henna Humanitarian Organization in Istanbul, and chose me to ride after my graduation from training to be a volunteer in its next program as a coordinator for one of its training centers. It gave me the opportunity to acquire many new skills, and to be part of This is the safe space that brought our diaspora together despite the war and displacement, where the sons of a pluralistic and democratic Syria, the Syria of the future, as we dream and hope.

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