Fadi Jurieh

Fadi Jurieh, Gaziantep Center, Batch 11: I received comprehensive training that covered a diverse range of topics and practical activities. One of the subjects included was Media Appearance. During this course, I learned the skills of media presentation, how to speak confidently and attractively in front of the camera and the audience. I also understood… Continue reading Fadi Jurieh

Sherine Ali

My name is Sherine Ali from Qamishli. I have a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from Mardin University in Turkey. I am a graduate and a former student of TASTAKEL, an advanced-level program. For me, TASTAKEL was not just a means to apply what I learned in books and academic courses practically,… Continue reading Sherine Ali

Aisha Abd Almalek

Aisha Abd Almalek – Advance Class “Success is not a story to tell or write; success is rather our development and progress in building a healthy and sound nation. My involvement with TASTAKEL began in 2018 when I attended my first political diploma for women, and despite the need to travel between two different states,… Continue reading Aisha Abd Almalek

Isa Al-Mohammed

Isa Al-Mohammed ( Cohort 11, Gaziantep Center). Success Story. Thanks to this program, I have gained a deeper and clearer understanding of reality. My perspective on things has changed, and I have become better equipped to deal with challenges and opportunities. However, the most significant benefit I gained from this program is that I have… Continue reading Isa Al-Mohammed

فريق لأننا نستحق السلام

_ بدعم من منظمة تستقل قام فريق لأننا نستحق السلام جلسات متتالية عن طريق تطبيق الزوم عن (مفهوم اللاعنف ) وقد استهدفت الجلسات طلاب/ات لتدربيهم على كيفية تعزيز التفاهم والتعاطف بين الأفراد وتشجيع الحوار وحل المشكلات دون اللجوء إلى العنف أو التصعيد. و كيفية التعامل مع الغضب والاحتقان بطرق تفادي العنف وتحقيق الأهداف بوسائل سلمية.… Continue reading فريق لأننا نستحق السلام

فريق بُناة السلام

مجموعة من متدربي/ات منظمة تستقل الدورة العاشرة قاموا بتنظيم جلسات متتالية عن ( التواصل الفعال_ حل النزاع _ المواطنة …) في مدينة عفرين في الداخل السوري ، بمشاركة مجموعة من المدعويين/ات من جميع مكونات الشعب السوري ، وفاعلين وناشطين في منظمات المجتمع المدني حيث تم التطرق إلى طرق التواصل الفعال وكيفيته ,و تعزيز التواصل بين… Continue reading فريق بُناة السلام

“A team from TASTAKEL organization participated in sessions held on the sidelines of a conference in Brussels.”

“A team from TASTAKEL organization participated in sessions held on the sidelines of a conference in Brussels.”

The first two cohorts of male and female students graduated from an TASTAKEL organization – the advanced level, and the tenth and eleventh batches graduated from Azaz and Gaziantep centers

#TASTAKEL Organization held a graduation ceremony for its tenth and eleventh cohorts from the first level, as well as the first and second cohorts from the advanced level of its Conflict Resolution Program, supported by #George_Mason_University. The event took place on June 22nd via Zoom with the presence of the George Mason administration team, represented… Continue reading The first two cohorts of male and female students graduated from an TASTAKEL organization – the advanced level, and the tenth and eleventh batches graduated from Azaz and Gaziantep centers

جلسة تأبين للدكتورة بسمة قضماني

السياسية النسوية الاستثنائية المؤثرة والأم الحنون والصديقة…. لأنّ بصمتها في كل قلب …ومع كل عقل… لأن ذكراها سيبقى عنوان خالد للمرأة السورية السياسية….المفاوضة …المقاومة…الحرة.. الحكيمة… المفكرة… التي احتضنت الكثير من نساء سوريا.. وقدّمت لهم العقل والقلب والتجربة والنصيحة .. لأنها كل ذلك وأكثر .. ولأننا سنسير على نهجها.. ونسعى لتحقيق حلمها سوريا حرة وديمقراطية، بمواطنة… Continue reading جلسة تأبين للدكتورة بسمة قضماني